Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage in Toronto

Canadian Churches for a Just Peace
Join the global movement walking or rolling in prayerful solidarity with the people of Gaza.
With our bodies we will prayerfully map Gaza onto our own city and raise funds for humanitarian assistance.
Join us for an hour or two, a day or both days, Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12.
Yes, May 12 is Mother’s Day! Remember, the original Mothers’ Day Proclamation by Julia Ward Howe in 1870 was a pacifist reaction to the wars of her day. Bring your mother, bring your children, come walk or roll for peace together!
We will begin in the west at Bloordale United Church at 8:30am on Saturday, May 11 with coffee and prayer. We will walk east, mostly along Bloor-Danforth for approximately 41 km over two days. We will end at Bill Hancox Park, next to the Rouge Hill GO Station. Following public transit lines will help you join for as long or as short a distance as you are able. Stops for prayer, as well as water and restrooms will be arranged along the way. If your faith community is along the route and you would be open to supporting the pilgrimage, please be in touch with Pamela Thomson, To join the Pilgrimage, sign up here.
The pilgrimage will be a prayerful experience and include lament, repentance, and prayers for hope and peace. As a public act of Christian witness, we wish to repudiate antisemitism, Islamophobia, and the role of settler-colonialism at home and around the world. We hope to be joined by our neighbours of all faiths and none, as a sign of our common human need for peace and justice. Read the Core Convictions of the global Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage, to learn more about the values of this non-violent, solidarity movement.
The Toronto Pilgrimage is one of many nationwide, leading up to the Canadian church leader pilgrimage to Parliament Hill on May 22. KAIROS member church leaders will bring the calls for peace to the Government of Canada and Parliamentarians, urging them to take immediate and sustained steps to advance peace in the region. More Canadian details on the KAIROS website.
Wear white (or light colours) as a symbol of peace if you can. Please ensure that any signs you might carry are also calling for peace and offering non-violent solidarity.
Please give generously to one of these organizations that are providing aid to the people of Gaza.
May 11
8:30 AM at Bloordale United
10:00 AM at Islington Station
2:00 PM at Christie Pits
6:00 PM finish at Chester Station
May 12
10:15 AM at East Lynn Park
1:00 PM Birchmount Community Centre
6:00 PM finish at Rouge Hill GO Station
Sign up here to receive more information about timing and details for joining the Toronto: Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage on May 11 and/or 12.