World Interfaith Harmony Week February 1 - 7, 2023 Programmes Across Canada!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Lunch and Learn: What’s out where?– an attempt to understand the “paranormal”
12:00 PM Mountain Time,Online
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 8887 0884
Edmonton Interfaith Centre
Calgary Alberta Opening Ceremonies: from Strangers to Neighbours
7-8:30 pm Mountain Time, In-person event
The Atrium at City Hall, 800 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary, AB T2G 5E6
Greetings from Mayor Jyoti Gondek
The Role of Faith in Society
1 - 2:15 pm Pacific Time, Online
The Multi-Faith Summit Council of BC launches the All-Party Interfaith Caucus of BC
Join Government Leaders and Council Members for a discussion of the Role of Faith in Society
For details please go to:
Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace and Harmony
7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, In-person
Prayers and hospitality and will be offered by various religious traditions.
The Mary Ward Centre for Education, Spirituality and Justice, 70 St. Mary St., Toronto
Please register at:
Sponsored by the Mary Ward Centre, the Office of Inter-Religious Dialogue, Archdiocese of Toronto, Religions for Peace, Development and Peace, World Interfaith Harmony Week
Thursday, February 2, 2023
Strangers to Neighbours
6:30 - 8 pm Mountain Time, In-person event
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 30 Everstone Blvd. SW Calgary, Alberta
Great food, great conversation, family friendly
Please register at:
Efforts to combat Anti – Semitism
7 pm Mountain Time, Online
Learn through a presentation by the Edmonton Jewish Federation.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 6633 3091
Friday, February 3, 2023
Attending to Spirit: Spirituality and Childhood Hope in Chronic Illness
3 - 4:30 pm Mountain Time Online
Dr. Duene Bidwell, Chair of Christian Thought, 2023 Swanson Lecture in Christian Spirituality, University of Calgary
Zoom event link here:
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Exploring Spirituality through Poetry
2 pm Mountain Time, Online
Come and share a poem that you wrote, or one that you were touched by - concerning faith, God, or whatever represents your path to spirituality.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 4470 0603 Passcode: 766535
Edmonton Interfaith Centre
5th Annual Interfaith Dinner
5:30 pm Pacific Time, In-person event
Baitur Rahman Mosque, 9570 River Road, Delta BC, V4G 1B5
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at BC cordially invites all friends from all faith communities
To register or find out more please email:
Faith in Action - Hunger Crisis Appeal
6 - 8:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time, In-person event
Vic Johnston Recreation Centre, 335 Church St., Mississauga, Ontario
Engage with moving speakers, break bread with community leaders, learn about each other, and exchange ideas on how to end hunger. This event will bring together people from different faith communities for the same cause: to end hunger.
Please register at:
Sponsored by: Islamic Relief Canada, Dufferin Country Interfaith Forum and World Interfaith Harmony Week Toronto Steering Committee
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Interfaith Service and Interfaith Champion Award: The Rev’d Michele Singh
10 - 11:15 am Eastern Standard Time, Hybrid: live and online
St. Philips Lutheran Church, 61 West Deane Park Dr., Etobicoke, Ontario
Online at:
Multifaith Concert: Building Bridges Among Faith Traditions
2 pm Mountain Time, Hybrid: live and online
Unitarian Church of Edmonton, 10804 - 119 St Edmonton, Alberta, T5H 3P2
This programme will include the presentation of the Edmonton Interfaith Centre 2023 Interfaith Advocate Award to the Rev’d. Audrey Brooks
For more information email:
Who is My Neighbour?
2 - 3:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, Hybrid: live and online
Manor Rd United Church, 240 Manor Rd E., Toronto, Ontario
Join the Rev’d. Dr. John Joseph Mastandrea to reflect on “Who is Our Neighbour?” Speak, share our neighbour stories and welcome the stranger in our midst. Step forward into Faith in Action to be bridge builders together.
Zoom event at:
Women in Spiritual and Religious Life
2 - 5:00 pm Pacific Time, In-person event
Spirit of Life Lutheran Church, 375 W 10 St., Vancouver, BC
Sponsored by the Multifaith Action Society and Global Clergy Association
Please register at:
Calgary Interfaith Council. Interfaith Discovery: from Strangers to Neighbours
4 - 5:15 pm Mountain Time, Online
Sharing wisdom from our traditions and stories from out lives.
Please register at:
Monday, February 6, 2023
Spiritual Dialogue Circle
7 - 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, Online
Engage with participants from diverse backgrounds, of faith and none, as we continue to explore topics that expand our connection with each other and with our common home.
Sponsored by Don Heights Unitarian Congregation, Toronto.
Why Does a loving God allow bad things to happen?
7 pm, Mountain Time Online Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 4761 3099
Passcode: 123253
Edmonton Interfaith Council
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Calgary, Alberta Closing Ceremony
7 p.m. Mountain Time, Online
Join virtually in a time of sharing and remembering together.
Please register here:
How to Be an Ally to Indigenous People
7 pm, Mountain Time, Online Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 2094 0872
Passcode: 577235
Edmonton Interfaith Centre
Faith in Action: New Year’s Resolutions
7:30 - 9 pm, Eastern Standard Time, Online
Engage in a dialogue about how will put your faith into action by setting and living out some of your New Year Resolutions this year.
Please register at:
Sponsored by Interfaith Circle, Toronto
World Religions 101 Webinar
8:45 – 9:45 pm, Eastern Standard Time, Online
Engage with members of diverse faith communities, discussing the contemporary context of studying world religions and the importance of inter-religious dialogue as a means of peace building. Please register at:
Sponsored by: Office of Inter-religious Dialogue, the Archdiocese of Toronto, Toronto Catholic District School Board, The Mary Ward Centre for Peace and Justice, World Interfaith Harmony Week
Thursday February 9 – Saturday, February 10, 2023
Canadian Interfaith Conversation Executive meeting, in-person, Toronto
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Mosaic Interfaith: Past, Present and Future: 40 Years of Uniting in a Common Purpose
2:30 - 4:30 pm Eastern Standard Time, Online
A Look at Faith in Action Through the Lens of Interfaith Cooperation
Explore a current challenge in food insecurity with guest speaker Dr. Musafa Koch, Toronto Metropolitan University
Please register at:
Sponsored by Interfaith Mosaic