Islamic Relief Canada's report uncovers alarming evidence of Islamophobia in Canadian workplaces

Islamic Relief Canada has published a report titled "Muslims at the Margins: Islamophobia and Unemployment" that sheds light on the extent of Islamophobia in the Canadian labour market.

The report is supported by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and examines nearly 700 Canadian Muslims' lived experiences, uncovering critical evidence of Islamophobia in the workplace.

Key findings reveal that Islamophobia in the workplace negatively impacts Canadian Muslims' career development, with over 67% of research participants having experienced formal discrimination and 84% experiencing informal discrimination in their workplaces.

The report's results show that Islamophobia is systemic and gendered, with visibly-Muslim women reporting the highest levels of Islamophobia in the workplace.

The majority of participants in Quebec, where many religious minorities are confronting the real-life consequences of Bill 21, felt that it was harder to work as a Muslim in Quebec than in other provinces.

Moreover, 71% expressed concern that Bill 21 was reaching beyond its jurisdiction.

The report includes dozens of personal anecdotes, many of which are heart-wrenching. One participant, for example, recounted how she had to quit her job at a school in Quebec because she wears a hijab.

Another participant was physically attacked at work for being brown, and the camera footage of the incident was deleted by the employer. The participant felt so uncomfortable at work that they ended up quitting a 12-year career.

These experiences demonstrate the deeply rooted and harmful nature of Islamophobia in Canadian society, which often results in individuals feeling ostracized and separated from others.

"As we mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action Against Islamophobia, it is imperative to take action and support efforts to eradicate Islamophobia in all its forms," said NCCM.

"We must continue to advocate for and support those affected by discrimination, hate, and intolerance, and work together to build a more inclusive and welcoming society for all."