Honouring human rights defenders

Justice For All Canada, a Canadian human rights organization, recently held a benefit event, #LoveUmmah - A Night For Human Rights, to recognize Canadian activists and human rights defenders.
The following individuals were recognized for their exceptional service:

The Ally of Justice Award honoured Hon. MP Salma Zahid as a politician or ally standing up for a human rights cause beyond just issuing statements.

The Ally of Justice Award honoured Hon. MP Michael Chong as a politician or ally standing up for a human rights cause beyond just issuing statements.

The Indian Muslim Advocate of The Year Award honoured Naila Saeed, for her courageous awareness-building and advocacy of the plight of Indian Muslims.

The Rohingya Advocate of The Year Award honoured Saifullah Muhammad for his tireless advocacy and empowerment of Rohingya peoples in Canada and globally.

The Imam for Justice Award honoured Imam Abdul Hai Patel for his consistent and fearless education on global justice and human rights through presentations, Khutbas, and advocacy.

The Ally of Justice Award honoured Reverend Christopher White for his exemplary advocacy and allyship of Uighur human rights in the Canadian church communities.

Voice of Justice Award honoured Dr. Aliya Khan for her relentless advocacy and coalition building for Uighur human rights and global justice.

The Muslim-Indigenous Relations Award honoured Imam Irshad Osman for his visionary leadership in Muslim-Indigenous youth engagement and reconciliation work.

The Torch of Justice Award honoured Dr. Monia Mazigh for her outstanding leadership, speaking, and writing on global human rights.

The Uighur Advocate of The Year Award honoured Mehmet Tohti for his inspirational courage and leadership on the fight for justice and human rights for Uighur Muslims globally.