Friday reflection: To what are these times calling us as people of faith?

By Muneeb Nasir
These are times of brokenness, disruptions, dislocation, and uprootedness.
What are we being called to in these times as people of faith?
First, we are being called to respond to our calling as religious people.
In the Qur’an, God invites us to this calling:
“You who believe, be God’s helpers. As Jesus, son of Mary, said to the disciples, ‘Who will come with me to help God?’ The disciples said, ‘We shall be God’s helpers.” ……. (Qur’an, 61:14).
This is the perennial call of all Prophetic voices - who will be God’s helpers?
God’s helpers are called to believe in One God, heal the brokenness in the world and to be the moral voice in their time.
God’s helpers in our times are being called to address the existential climate emergency, to address the social injustices and racial inequities in our societies, as well as the human rights abuses and the injustices of settler colonialism.
But importantly, in these times we are being called to be collaborative.
The ability to come together and build shared solutions has never been more important than now.
History tells us that when our faith communities best model our teachings, we have been the greatest force for common good in the world.
These times require us to build relationships with each other - to replace the ego-centric way that is defined by separation and fear with an all-centered way of being grounded in love, compassion and kindness.
We are in a world where we all sail on the same seas but we are on different ships.
As people of faith living in this country, we must recognize our agency and privilege and our responsibility to give voice to the issues in these times and address them.
As stated in the scriptures, “To whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48).
We, people of faith, are being called to be deep, bold and daring in our response to these times.
{Muneeb Nasir is the Co-Chair of the National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee (NMCLC). These reflections were delivered to the 44th General Council of the United Church of Canada ‘Moderators and Global, Ecumenical and Inter-Faith GC44 Partners Gathering’ on June 16 , 2022.}