Brantford Imam steps forward to help student replace stolen wheelchair

Brantford Imam Abu Noman Tarek recently stepped forward to help Assumption College student Nick Hickey acquire a new wheelchair to replace the one that was stolen.
Hickey’s wheelchair was stolen in December from the porch of his home, leaving the 18-year-old Assumption College student with no way to attend school.
Imam Abu Norman Tarek is the imam and director of religious affairs with the Muslim Association of Brantford.
Imam Tarek, on learning of the plight of the student, reached out to Islamic Circle of North America Relief Canada (ICNA Canada), which donated $5,000 to cover the entire cost of the new wheelchair.
“A miracle happened in just a few minutes,” Imam Tarek told the Brantford Expositor in an interview.

“Very humbled and grateful for our immediate action and as a result being able to cover entire cost of a new wheelchair for Nick Hickey after his was stolen in December 2021 from the porch of his home, leaving the 18-year-old Assumption College High School-Brantford, student no way to attend school,” added Imam Tarek.
Brantford Expositor reports that Nick’s educational assistant, Janet Bowyer had set up a Go Fund Me account to seek donations to replace the wheelchair but with the help of ICNA Canada much more was raised.
Nick Hickey was left with mobility issues and learning disabilities, following treatment for brain cancer. He has been using a wheelchair and walker to get around for the past seven years.
The donations have now allowed Nick to get the new wheelchair and, with his father, they have moved from their second-floor apartment to an accessible unit with an elevator so the new wheelchair can be safely stored inside.
— Brantford Expositor (@TheExpositor) March 10, 2022