Canadian Race Relations Foundation welcomes new team members

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation has announced new additions to CRRF's team.
"These powerful advocates will join the Foundation to bolster and expand its fight against racism and discrimination across the country," stated CRFF in the announcement of the appointments.
The new appointees are:
Amira Elghawaby, a human rights advocate and columnist who has worked extensively in the labour and civil liberties movements in Canada. Amira will be joining the CRRF team as its Director of Programs & Outreach.
Angela Lee, a community engagement and research design specialist who has worked for 15 years in labour movements, government agencies, and advocacy organizations. Angela is CRRF's new Director of Partnerships & Research.
Thoha Mahmood, a passionate communicator who has worked at the House of Commons and the Legislative Assembly of Alberta. Thoha is our Communications & Events Manager.