Two Outstanding Students Recognized with Scholarships by Olive Tree Foundation

Two outstanding Canadian Muslim high school students have been recognized with scholarships for their academic achievements and leadership abilities by the Olive Tree Foundation.
Hshmat Sahak was awarded the Faisal Ali Academic Excellence Scholarship that is granted annually to a high school graduate who has excelled in academic studies.
Amenak El Werfalli was awarded the Mohamed and Opheera Nasir Leadership Scholarship that is given annually to a student on the basis of exceptional leadership qualities and social conscience, as well as academic achievement.
Hshmat Sahak is a 17-year-old Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute student who graduated Grade 12 this year with a 100% average. He was one of four students honoured recently as the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Top Scholars for 2019, as they all had averages of 99% or higher.
“Thank you so much for your support and generosity! It is an incredible honour to be selected as a recipient of the 2019 Faisal Ali Academic Excellence Scholarship,” remarked Hshmat Sahak on receiving the award. “It means a lot to me that my efforts, hard work, and achievements have been recognized by the Olive Tree Foundation.”
“May Allah reward you, the Awards Selection Committee, the Olive Tree Foundation and its sponsoring partners for their generous contribution and investment into my education,” he added. “I promise that I will work hard to make the Muslim community proud.”
Hshmat Sahak will be joining the Engineering Science program in the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering beginning in September 2019.
Amenah El Werfalli is a 17-year St. Catharines, Ontario student who attended Denis Morris Catholic High School and achieved a 97% average.
“I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of Amenah’s accomplishments as a leader in the school community,” wrote Danny Di Lorenzo, Principal of Denis Morris Catholic School, in a commendation letter. “Amenah is presently on the Student Council Executive serving as Vice-President and also serves as a Student Council Representative on our Parent Catholic School Council.”
“Amenah is heavily involved in our Eco Club promoting, organizing and monitoring environmental sustainable activities at the school,” he added. “Amenah has demonstrated excellent leadership qualities in her ability to communicate, engage and direct both students and adults.”
“Far too often, we take things we have in this world for granted,” remarked Amenah El Werfalli about her volunteer activities. “Whether it be family, friends, or a home, so many of us forget all of the blessings we have been given in this life. By seeing all of those who are less fortunate in our society through Barakah Box, Qamer Foundation, and Out of the Cold, I was reminded of the importance of gratitude in life, as well as the importance of helping those who are less fortunate.”
“Amenah’s strong values and morals have essentially shaped her into the fine leaders she has become today,” added Principal Danny Di Lorenzo. “Amenah is one of those rare students that a Principal only comes across ever so often in a career.”
Each one of the students will receive $1,000 from the Olive Tree Foundation to recognize their achievements. The Foundation is a philanthropic foundation that promotes community development through the collection of endowed funds and charitable contributions to fund services for the long-term benefit of the community.