Olive Tree Foundation awards grant to DEEN Support Services

(TORONTO) – The Olive Tree Foundation has awarded a grant to DEEN Support Services for the project, “Count Us In: Mapping the Needs of Muslims with Disabilities.”
The project will help develop a demographic profile of Muslims with disabilities in Ontario in order to raise awareness, plan for and implement appropriate services, not only in the Muslim community, but also in the mainstream.
“We are extremely grateful to the Olive Tree Foundation for continuing to believe in our vision of a society that meets the social, cultural and spiritual needs of individuals with disabilities and their families,” says Rabia Khedr, CEO of Disability Empowerment Equality Network (DEEN Support Services).
“From “Toward An Inclusive Ummah: Muslims with Disabilities Speak-Out” report in 2006 to “Count Us In: Mapping the Needs of Muslims with Disabilities” today, the Olive Tree Foundation has once again given us an exciting opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research which will better inform programs and services. Thank you OTF.”
Through comprehensive outreach, the project will solicit input from Muslims with disabilities and their caregivers in an online province-wide survey and multilingual interviews in the GTA, Ottawa and London-Windsor regions.
“I would like to thank DEEN Support Services for all that they are doing for people with disabilities in our community,” says Muneeb Nasir, President of the Olive Tree Foundation, in announcing the grant.
“Over a decade ago, the Olive Tree Foundation funded the newly formed organization to conduct their first community-based research that resulted in a pioneering report. This report was used by the organization to educate, advocate and build support in the community for services for persons with disabilities.”
“The Olive Tree Foundation is supportive of the work of DEEN Support Services. We collaborate with DEEN Support Services to provide an annual bursary to a high school student with disability entering a post secondary institution,” added Nasir.
The Olive Tree Foundation is a philanthropic foundation that promotes community development through the collection of endowed funds and charitable contributions to fund services for the long-term benefit of the community.
DEEN Support Services is committed to advancing community inclusion by offering culturally and spiritually relevant services for families and individuals living with disabilities.