Toronto Mosque soup kitchen serves thousands of meals

On Sunday December 10, 2017 the TARIC Islamic Centre concluded it’s annual Soup Kitchen & Meal Delivery Service.
“This year we marks the 10,000th meal served,” according to organizer Imraan Assim. “Volunteers are very excited and often bring their kids out for this noble cause.”
“The Soup Kitchen is open to everyone,” added Assim. “This is a program that embodies the very core of Muslim teachings, which we have felt the world needs more of.”
The soup kitchen and meal delivery service was born five years ago with the purpose of gathering volunteers at the mosque during the month of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth to package meals using donated food and deliver them to nearby shelters.
This was the 5th year for the annual month-long program.
For four Sundays each year, volunteers from the GTHA come to the North York mosque to prepare and package hundreds of meals.
The warm nutritious meals were delivered to over a dozen men’s, women’s, and youth shelters across the GTA, as well as seniors homes in the area.