Faith Communities to form 'Rings of Peace' around Toronto Mosques

Toronto’s “Rings of Peace” is a spontaneous, grassroots, faith-based initiative.
Rabbi Yael Splansky of Holy Blossom Temple was prompted by a memory of the multi-faith “Ring of Peace” which gathered around a synagogue in Oslo after it was attacked two years ago.
In response to the terror attack against Muslims at prayer in Quebec City, seven simultaneous Rings of Peace will gather around seven mosques across the GTA this Friday.
We will create human chains to demonstrate that Canada must be a country free from bigotry and violence, a safe haven for good people of all faiths and countries of origin. (See TBR’s statement —
This initiative grew thanks to the relationships of Rabbis and Imams across the GTA and thanks to the leadership of Rabbi Michal Shekel, Executive Director of the Toronto Board of Rabbis, Imam Ihsaan Gardee, the Executive Director of the National Council of Canadian Muslims, Rabbi Shalom Schachter of ISARC, and Danny Richmond of VeAhavta.
We are most grateful for the seven Muslim congregations who said Yes when our Rabbis called.
These seven mosques are providing a much-needed opportunity to show what we stand for and what we will not stand for. This is not a protest; it is a prayer.
May our presence soften their grief and demonstrate that they are not alone.
Shalom. Salaam. Peace.
- The Imdadul Islamic Centre (26 Lepage Street in the Keele and Finch area)
with Holy Blossom Temple and Fairlawn United Church
Friday, 12:30 – 1:30 PM.
Lead Contact: Rabbi Yael Splansky –
- The Dawah Centre (1168 Bloor Street)*
with City Shul and St. Anne’s Church
Friday, 12:30 -1:30 PM.
Lead Contact: Rabbi Elyse Goldstein –
*Because of its central location, this Ring of Peace is well-established. Please consider adding your strength to another location.
- Al Falah Mosque (on Burnamthorpe Road and Trafalgar)
With Shaarei Beth El and The Interfaith Council of Halton
Friday, 12 PM.
Contact: Rabbi Stephen Wise –
- The Islamic Foundation in Scarborough (441 Nugget Ave at Markham Street)
with Beth Tikvah, Darchei Noam, and Beth Tzedec Congregation
Friday, 1 PM.
Lead Contact: Rabbi Jarrod Grover –
- The Danforth Islamic Centre and The Baitul Aman Islamic Centre
(3114 Danforth Avenue, near Victoria Park)
with Temple Emanu-el
Friday,12:15 PM.
Lead Contact: Rabbi Debra Landsburg –
- The Sayeda Khadija Centre (7150 Edwards Blvd, Mississauga)
with Solel Congregation and Congregation Har Tikvah
Friday, 1 PM
Lead Contact: Rabbi Michal Shekel —
- The International Muslim Organization (65 Rexdale Blvd. Rexdale)
with Ve’ahavta and Beth Sholom
Friday, 12:30-1:30 pm.
Contact: Danny Richmond, Ve’ahavta –
Things to note:
No political signs or chants.
Messages of Peace and Solidarity or flowers are welcome, but just your presence is most appreciated.
Dress for the weather.
Interfaith vigils are also planned for:
Friday, February 3rd at 7:45pm at Madinah Masjid on the Danforth together with The Danforth Jewish Circle.
And Sunday, February 5 at 4-5 pm at St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Parish in Thornhill together with Mosaic, Har Zion, Neshamah, and Kol Ami.