Dr. Ahmet Fuad Sahin appointed to Order of Canada

Dr. Ahmet Fuad Sahin, C.M. of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario has been appointed to the Order of Canada for his foundational leadership of Canada’s Muslim community, notably as the founder and former president of the International Development and Relief Foundation.
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, today announced 125 new appointments to the Order of Canada.
The new member list includes 4 Companions (C.C.), 35 Officers (O.C.) and 86 Members (C.M.).
Recipients will be invited to accept their insignia at a ceremony to be held at a later date.
Since immigrating to Canada in the late 1950s, Dr. Sahin has been involved in public service and was the founder or co-founder of a number of major Muslim organizations in Canada.
These organizations include the Islamic Foundation of Toronto Inc., the Islamic Society of Niagara Peninsula, Islamic West Associates of Canada, Canadian Turkish Muslim Association, Council of Muslim Communities of Canada (CMCC) and IDRF (International Development and Relief Foundation).
Dr. Sahin was born in Urfa, Turkey. He arrived in Ontario In 1958 and became an internship resident in Kingston, Ontario.
In 1966, he became an urologist, affiliated with Greater Niagara General Hospital, Niagara Falls, Ontario, where he continued to practice until retirement.
Dr. Sahin’s community service and humanitarian work extended beyond the Muslim community with his active participation in such groups as the Christian – Jewish – Muslim Dialogue and the Christian Muslim Liaison Committee.
He has also represented Canada at a number of international conferences on World Peace and World Religions. He continues to serve the community as volunteer Imam of the Islamic Society of Niagara.
On January 22, 2009, Dr. Ahmet Fuad Sahin was named to the Order of Ontario for his contributions to community service. The Order of Ontario is the province’s highest official honor. It recognizes Ontarians who have made an outstanding contribution to society in Ontario and around the world.
Dr. Ahmet Fuad Sahin is a truly outstanding Canadian Muslim.
Created in 1967, the Order of Canada, one of our country’s highest civilian honours, recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation. Close to 7 000 people from all sectors of society have been invested into the Order.
Their contributions are varied, yet they have all enriched the lives of others and have taken to heart the motto of the Order: DESIDERANTES MELIOREM PATRIAM (“They desire a better country”). Appointments are made by the governor general on the recommendation of the Advisory Council for the Order of Canada.