Brock student Aniqah Zowmi wins national award

(April 5, 2015) – Second-year Brock University neurobiology student Aniqah Zowmi has won a 3M National Student Fellowship Award along with nine other outstanding Canadian university students.
The 3M National Student Fellowship Award is presented annually to 10 undergraduate students in Canada who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, as well as a vision for how their academic experience can be enhanced.
Driven by the mission to empower youth, Aniqah Zowmi co-founded BrockU Talks, a speaking event held at Brock University that provides youth leaders a platform to speak about their passions.
Her drive to help youth also led to the conception of The ReConnect Movement to bridge the gap between university students and marginalized youth in the Niagara region.
Following her first year of university, Aniqah was awarded a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Undergraduate Student Research Award, a feat rarely heard of for a first year student, to fund research into the effect of antioxidants on the human body.
She is also a National Youth Ambassador for Passages Canada, an organization that works to project immigrant stories to the public. Aniqah serves as the eighth and youngest Youth Ambassador nationwide.
Aniqah will be presented with a $5,000 award, as well as registration and travel costs to participate in the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education conference, being held in June in Vancouver.
In her free time, she curates her own writing blog, and spends her days haunting neurobiology labs at Brock University.
Aniqah hopes to pursue a career in International Human Rights Law, with a concentration on work in the Middle East.
She hopes to inspire youth around the world to break barriers and obstacles to inclusion, and create an accepting society.