Manitoba Muslims denounce ISIS

(August 10, 2014) – We, the undersigned Muslim leaders in Winnipeg, unconditionally declare the actions of ISIS against the Iraqi Christians and Yazidis an affront to our faith, and we forcefully condemn any attempts by ISIS to associate their heinous crimes to Islam and to our prophetic tradition.
Islam has made it incumbent on Muslims under Islamic law to protect religious minorities within their countries and grant freedom of religion, security of life, honour, property and intellect to all citizens regardless of race, religion and gender. We are therefore anguished at how Christians and other religious minorities are suffering at the hands of our co-religionists in today’s conflict-ridden world .
We urge and pray that Muslim religious leaders and politicians around the world will continue to speak up and take strong and definitive actions against criminals and terrorists who are committing atrocities in the name of our faith.
We, here in Winnipeg, are blessed to practise our faith in its true spirit and to live in peace and harmony with all our fellow Canadians, regardless of religious background, culture and ideology.
In this spirit, we offer our sincere and humble apology to our Christian and Yazidi brothers and sisters for the pain these misguided Muslims have caused them.
Please know that we stand in solidarity with you and with all the persecuted people around the world.
May the Merciful Creator bless entire humanity with peace and justice and relief from oppression. (Ameen).
Shahina Siddiqui -President
Islamic Social Services Association Inc-Canada
Dr. Jennifer Rahman -Council Chair
Winnipeg Central Mosque
Dr. Idris Elbakri -President
Manitoba Islamic Association Inc
Yasmin Ali -President
Canadian Muslim Women’s Institute Inc
Laila and Farouq Chebib- Directors
Canadian Federation of Bridge Builders
Omar Siddiqui- Chair
Canadian Muslim Leadership Institute Inc.