CCMW announces winners of Women Who Inspire awards

The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) has announced the winners of the Women Who Inspire awards and scholarships for 2014.
As a source of inspiration, CCMW honours Canadian Muslim women who have made a difference in the lives of others and have demonstrated a commitment to women’s equality.
The winners of this year’s awards are:
- Ambreen Akbar: Lifelong VAW activist and aspiring social work student at Ryerson University.
- Farah Mohamed: President and CEO of G(irls) 20.
- Fatema Dada: Crown Counsel with the Ministry of the Attorney General (Ontario).
- Hodan Ali: Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Refugee Hamilton Centre for Newcomer Health.
- Sureya Ibrahim: Community Engagement Worker, Regent Park Centre for Community Learning and Development.
Since 2008, CCMW has raised money to support promising Canadian Muslim women’s studies through the Lila Fahlman Scholarship, which is named after the late Dr. Lila Fahlam, renowned educator and founder of CCMW.
This year’s scholarship winners are:
- Anjum Sultana: Pursuing her Masters of Public Health in Social and Behavioural Sciences (Health Promotion) and Global Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.
- Eman Ali: Entering the Social Justice and Peace program at King’s University College.
- Marzieh Ghiasi: Completing her Masters of Science in Epidemiology at McGill University.
- Nehal El-Hadi: Currently completing a PhD in Planning at University of Toronto.
- Sehrish Malik: Currently a first year PhD candidate in Humanities at York University.
CCMW will be holding a fundraiser on Sunday, September 28, 2014. The theme of the event is Equality in Employment: Are We There Yet?
The keynote speaker at the fundraiser is Judy Rebick, women’s rights activist and founder of
There will also be a panel on Muslim women’s employment outcomes and lessons learnt from 30 years of employment equity. The panelists will include Daood Hamdani and Karen Mock. Key Ballah will be presenting some of her poems related to our theme.
Tickets can be purchased at