Al-Qazzaz jailed in Egypt: Prominent Canadians urge PM to intervene

(July 15, 2014) – Today, prominent Canadians stood alongside Canadian Sarah Attia in a press conference at Parliament Hill and presented an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper about the situation of Khaled Al-Qazzaz.
RochTasse, Alex Neve, and Monia Mazigh, signatories of the letter, each shared aspects of the letter and all urged Prime Minister Harper to intervene and end the ordeal that Khaled, Sarah and their four children have lived through for the last 11 months.
“Thank you to the many Canadian lawyers, academics, authors, and activist [signatories] for your support and for standing alongside my family to call for an end to this injustice” said Sarah Attia. The names of the 129 leading Canadians and 6 organizations who signed the letter can be found on the campaign web page.
“Make no mistake; silence on the part of the Canadian government is not neutral. Canada’s failure to intervene at a political level risks sending a message that Canada is essentially unconcerned” says Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada.
Khaled’s permanent resident status “may mean that it’s more difficult for Canada to gain access, it should not at all dictate what action Canada takes on the case, how clearly and forcefully Canada raises it, how regularly senior levels from the foreign minister, from the prime minister himself,” said Alex Neve.
In the open-letter signatories including Canadian academics, lawyers, professionals, authors, artists, celebrities, writers, thinkers, activists and organizations have collectively asserted that “we believe that Canada cannot be silent any longer.We are now calling upon you, Prime Minister, to take prompt and meaningful action.”
Dr. Mazigh, the wife of Maher Arar, a Canadian who was previously detained abroad, commented on Khaled’s 380-day long detention:. “Khaled Al-Qazzaz has been in solitary confinement for more than a year. Solitary confinement is the worst kind of psychological torture. My husband went through this ordeal and today he still bears the consequences. When the Canadian government of the time spoke with one strong voice to the Syrian voice my husband was released shortly after,” said Dr. Mazigh.
To The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada
We, the undersigned, are calling upon you as concerned Canadian citizens and organizations to use the full power of your office to demand the immediate release of Canadian permanent resident Khaled Al-Qazzaz who has been illegally detained in Egypt for over 365 days without charge and is in present danger of suffering a heart attack. He should have been promptly charged with a recognizable criminal offence or released. One year is most certainly not prompt. His illegal detention was, in fact, recently extended by an Egyptian court. Your intervention is critical in securing his immediate release and safe return home to Canada.
Khaled is the husband of Canadian citizen Sarah Attia and the father of four young Canadians: Abdelrahman (8), Amena (5), Fatema (4), and Tahrir (2). He was arrested on July 3, 2013 while working as an aide for former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi who, as you know, was the first democratically elected leader in Egypt’s history. Khaled is currently incarcerated in the maximum-security Scorpion wing of Tora prison in Cairo in a cell the size of a broom-closet, in heat in excess of 45°C.
Khaled’s situation is grave and urgent. In addition to the appalling conditions of his solitary confinement, his health is deteriorating rapidly. A recent doctor’s report found that his solitary confinement has caused, and is exacerbating, numerous medical problems. Conditions in his cell are causing pressure on nerves in his left arm, which has now become partially immobile. Extremely difficult sleeping conditions have resulted in significant knee pain, which could lead to long-term disability or surgery. The most recent information we have received regarding Khaled’s condition has revealed significant compression of his spinal cord which is causing him profound weakness. If this is not treated with surgery immediately, it may result in paraplegia. Furthermore, his weakness is being exacerbated by the extreme temperatures in which he is being held, which when combined with the significant humidity are causing heat exhaustion and significant dehydration and may lead to acute renal failure.
As you are well aware, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that no one may be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or imprisonment. In addition, international human rights standards require that detainees be charged, tried promptly and afforded a fair trial.
Khaled’s basic human rights have been violated for over a year now. There is no legal basis for his detention – he has been not been charged with any recognizable criminal or other offence. To reiterate, he has not been charged with a crime in any court. He has had no trial.
Egypt is in breach of its international commitments under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the Standard Minimum Rules for Treatment of Prisoners adopted by the First United Nations Congress in 1955; and the Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1990.
Every nation has an obligation to encourage other nations to respect international laws and norms.
This case has received significant public and political attention in the last six months. Its facts have become a matter of public record. We have attached a letter from Khaled that was smuggled out of prison and printed in the New York Times on June 28, 2014. In it, Khaled explains why he chose to return to Egypt to strive for its educational, social and economic welfare. He explains his beliefs, ideology and motivations and asks why the world has been so silent on his status. (Link to New York Times Op-Ed)
We believe that Canada cannot be silent any longer.
We are now calling upon you, Prime Minister, to take prompt and meaningful action.
We live in a country whose profound commitment to human rights has always been recognized by the international community. It is with the knowledge of and pride in this commitment that we raise Khaled’s case with you. We have every expectation that you will remain true to our proud legacy.
Prime Minister, we ask that you intervene vigorously on behalf of Khaled’s wife, Sarah, and their four young children. As Canadians, they have every expectation that you will recognize this case as a travesty of justice and do everything in your power to secure his immediate return and re-unite Khaled with his family.
Baher Abdulhai – Professor, University of Toronto
Nadia Abu Zahra – Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
Saad Ahmad – Lawyer
Ike Ahmed – Internationally-Recognized Ophthalmologist; Professor, University of Toronto and University of Utah
Shireen Ahmed – Writer and Activist
Shahid Akhtar – Co-Chair, Canadian Association of Muslims and Jews
Grant Allen – Professor, University of Toronto
Warren Allmand – International Human Rights Consultant
Hadeel Al-Shalchi – Crisis Regional Media Officer, International Rescue Committee
Rachad Antonius – Professeur Titulaire, Université du Québec à Montréal
Maher Arar – Canadian Activist
Amir Attaran – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Margaret Atwood – Author
Yusuf BadatImam – Islamic Foundation of Toronto
Reem Bahdi – Associate Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
Natasha Bakht – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Samreen Beg – Lawyer
Abderrahman Beggar – Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
Ronald Beiner – Professor, University of Toronto
Faisal Bhabha – Assistant Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
Sirma Bilge – Associate Professor, University de Montreal
Katherine Bullock – Lecturer, Political Science, University of Toronto at Mississauga
Gerald Caplan – Public Affairs Commentator
Emily F. Carasco – Professor Emiriitus, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
Joseph Carens – Professor, University of Toronto
Angela Chaisson – Lawyer, Ruby Shiller Chan Hasan Barristers
Maliha Chisti – Lecturer, Ryerson University
Paul Copeland C.M. – Lawyer, Life Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada
Jeewan Chanicka – Education and Community Activist
Nafisah Chowdhury – Lawyer, Miller Thomson LLP
Emir Crowne – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
Ibrahim Danial – Principal, Danial Law; Director, Downtown Muslim Professional Network
Gail Davidson – Lawyer’s Rights Watch Canada – LRWC
Hilary E. Davis – Course Director, York University
Peter Eglin – Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
Kim Elliot – Publisher,
Yves Engler – Author and Activist
Greg Evans – Professor, University of Toronto
Mohammad Fadel – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
John W. Foster – Instructor, Carleton University
Mihad Fahmy – Lawyer
El-Tantawy Attia – Executive Director, Masjid Toronto
Cecilia Greyson – Writer, Artist
John Greyson – Associate Professor, York University; Video artist, Writer and Activist
Yaser Haddara – Associate Professor, McMaster University
Wael Haddara – Associate Professor, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
Hussein A. Hamdani – Partner, Simpson Wigle Law LLP
Yavar Hameed – Lawyer, Hameed & Farrokhzad; Sessional Lecturer, Carleton University (Department of Law and Legal Studies)
Karen Hamilton – Reverend; General Secretary, The Canadian Council of Churches
Nader Hasan – Partner, Ruby Shiller Chan Hasan Barristers; Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Ayesha Hussain – M.D., CCFP
Mohamed Huque – Journalist
Barbara Jackman – Partner, Jackman Nazami & Associates
Fatima Jaffer – PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia
Jawad Jafry – Documentary Producer
Mustafa Jilani – Lawyer, KSM Law
Yasmin Jiwani – Professor, Concordia University
Christine Jones – Co-Chair, Canadian Peace Alliance
Jasminka Kalajdzic – Associate Professor, University of Windsor
Azeezah Kanji – JD, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law
Fayaz Karim – Politician; Executive Member, Peel Poverty Action Group
Abdul-Basit Khan – Partner, WeirFoulds LLP
Aliya Khan – Clinical Professor, McMaster University
Fozia Khan – Writer and Artist
Omar Shabbir Khan – Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Rukhsana Khan – Author
Sharifa Khan – J.D. 2013
Sheema Khan – Monthly Columnist, Globe and Mail; Associate, Shapiro Cohen LLP
Yomna Khatib – Lawyer
Huda Khattab – Writer and Translator
Raja Khouri – Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission
Shaila Kibria-Carter – Executive Director – Labour Community Services of Peel
Warren Kinsella – President of DCG; Toronto-based Lawyer, Author, Musician, Political Consultant, Commentator
Myrna Kostash – Writer
Faisal Kutty – Partner, KSM Law; Assistant Professor of Law, Valparaiso University Law School;
Adjunct Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School of York University
Barbara Landau – Psychologist, Mediator, Lawyer
Peter Larson – PhD
Lisa Leoni – Co-Chair, Educators for Social Justice
James Lockyer – Partner, Lockyer Campbell Posner
Camille Logan – Equity and Education Activist
Tamara Lorincz – Board Member, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
Monia Mazigh – Author, Activist
Julie Macfarlane – Professor of Law, University of Windsor
Kathleen Mahoney – QC, Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
Patricia Molloy – Contract Faculty, Wilfrid Laurier University
Ginella Massa – Journalist, Rogers Television
Ingrid Mattson – Professor, Huron University College
William McBain – Healthcare Advocate
Hon. Dan McTeague – Former Canadian Member of Parliament
Shelina Merani – Muslim Presence
Ziyaad Mia – Lawyer; Adjunct Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
Akbar Mohamed – Lawyer, KSM Law
Hodan A. Mohamed – Doctoral Student
Muhammad Munshi – Adjunct Lecturer, Medical Imaging, University of Toronto
Muneeb Nasir – Writer and Activist
Hadayt Nazami – Partner, Jackman Nazami & Associates
Alex Neve – Secretary General Amnesty International Canada (English branch)
Obiora Okafor – Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
Erna Paris – Author
Abdul Hai Patel – Muslim Chaplain, University of Toronto
Natasha Persaud – Partner, Mushtaq Persaud LLP
Kerry Pither – Author
Gary Potter – Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
Mona Rahman – Term Adjunct Professor and Post-Doctoral Fellow, Queen’s University
Syed Rahman – Lawyer
Salman Rana – Doctoral Candidate in Law, McGill University & Lecturer in Law, UOIT
Fred A. Reed – Author and Translator
Clayton Ruby, C.M. – Partner, Ruby Shiller Chan Hasan Barristers; Member of the Order of Canada
Kim Rygiel – Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
Riad Saloojee – Lawyer
Jennifer Selby – Associate Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Erika Shaker – Researcher and Writer
Zaib Shaikh – Actor, Writer, Director
Amer Shalaby – Professor, University of Toronto
Muhammad Sharayef – M.D.
Shahina Siddiqui – Social Justice Activist
Herveen Singh – PhD; Centre for Leadership and Diversity, OISE, University of Toronto
Walied Soliman – Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Mark Strong – Morning Show Host and Producer for G987FM
Itrath Syed – PhD Candidate, Simon Fraser University
Sumairah Syed – Lecturer, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
Roch Tasse – National Coordinator, International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group
Lisa K. Taylor – Professor, Bishop’s University
Mark Toulouse – Professor, University of Toronto; Principal, Emmanuel College, University of Toronto
Beatrice Vaugrante – Directrice Generale, Amnistie Internationale Canada (Francophone)
Fergus Watt – Executive Director, World Federalist Movement – Canada
Thomas Woodley – President, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Janice Williamson – Professor, University of Alberta; Editor of Omar Khadr: Oh Canada
Ali Hassan Zaidi – Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
F. Zeenath Zeath – Barrister and Solicitor
Jasmine Zine – Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)
Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association
Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association
Downtown Muslim Professional Network
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG)
Ligue des droits et libertés
*Individual signatories’ employer or organization are listed for identification purposes only and do not reflect endorsement by the employer or the organization