The Big Picture: 2012 RIS in Pictures

Friday December 21, 2012 was supposed to be the start of the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar, but for Muslims in Canada it was the start of a new record-breaking international event: Reviving the Islamic Spirit (RIS 2012).
This yearly convention, which started in 2002, is now in its 11th. year and attracted a wide audience from around the world, attending both physically and through the Internet.
RIS is now considered one of the largest international Muslim gatherings in the West, in addition to thousands on-live viewers as the convention is now broadcast through live-streaming on the internet for a small fee.
One important feature of Canada’s RIS is the high percentage of young people among both the audience and the organizers. When arriving at the Metro Convention Center in downtown Toronto, RIS participants are greeted by an enthusiastic team of 800 highly-motivated volunteers, who are mainly high school and college students.
This event brings together young Muslims from all over Canada, and some also traveling from the US specially to attend RIS. Reports on the event can be read at