‘Defeat Jihad’ posters found on doorsteps of P.E.I Mosque

The Muslim community in Charlottetown is expressing grave concern after a bottle that contained gasoline and posters saying “Defeat jihad” were found on the doorstep of the mosque doorstep.
A press release on the Mosque’s website states: “Members of the Island Muslim community are concerned about the latest incident at the Masjid Dar as-Salam Mosque which is located at 15 MacAleer Drive in Charlottetown. On the morning of Thursday, September 20, worshippers arriving for dawn prayer found, on the mosque’s doorstep, a written message stating “Defeat Jihad”. There was also a bottle containing gasoline.
This is not the first incident at the mosque. A year ago, a head of a pig was nailed to a post at the construction site. Since then, a truck belonging to the contractor was also torched on the mosque property.”
The mosque is the first purpose-built place of worship for Muslims on P.E.I. and was opened in July.
The Muslim Society of PEI is inviting members of the general public who may have some information related to these incidents to contact the police.