Art Exhibition features aspiring Muslim Artists

A group of young, aspiring Muslims artists is holding an exhibition of their works this week at the I.M.A Gallery in downtown Toronto.
“The focus of the exhibition is not necessarily on religious art, but instead on one that reflects the artists’ personal and group identities,” the organizers stated in their brochure.
The group art exhibition titled, “And He loves Beauty”, features a wide range of artwork from twelve young Muslims and includes calligraphy, glass mosaics, paintings, photography and drawings.
“It is the belief of these artists that such an exhibit will encourage visitors to appreciate and sense their own essence of beauty,” the organizers added. “God is beautiful and He loves beauty.”
The works of the following artists are featured in the exhibition: Ali Saeed, Aya Dajani, Haris Mushtaq, Muhammad Haroon, Israa Howlader, Jaudat Adnan, Madina Djabrailova, Medea Rasheed, Nihal Motha, Raj Rajakumar, Sehar Shahzad, and Tehniat Khan.
The exhibition runs from August 25th to August 30 (12 to 5 pm) at the I.M.A Gallery, 80 Spadina Avenue, Suite 305, Toronto.
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