Council of Imams strongly condemns vandalism against Beth Tikvah Synagogue

(August 05, 2011) – The Canadian Council of Imams has expressed shock and disgust at the vandalism against the Beth Tikvah Synagogue and Robbins Hebrew Academy in Toronto.
“The graffiti reveals nothing but clear blindness and intent to cause conflict and sow the seeds of hate and mistrust between Jews and Muslims in this country,” the Council of Imams said in its statement.
Toronto Police are investigating the incident, which was reported on Thursday evening when staff members at Beth Tikvah Synagogue found a red-and-black swastika stenciled onto the exterior of their building accompanied by the phrase “Islam will rule.”
“On behalf of our Canadian Council of Imams, we would like to assure the Canadian Jewish Communities of Canada that the Canadian Muslims stand by their side and condemn any intolerance towards the Jewish people and institutions or any other faith groups or fellow citizens.” said Imam Dr. Hamid Slimi, the Chairman of the Council.
“The attackers do not represent any religion or faith but only a blind hate for anyone who is different from them. They want to create fear and instability in a very tolerant, harmonious and peaceful city like Toronto.”
Imam Abdul Hai Patel, the Council’s Interfaith Relations director, added, “From time to time, racism raises its ugly head in Canada. Such cowardly and heinous acts aim at disturbing the harmonious relationship we Muslims have with the Jewish community and also at distracting both of our communities in a time and season of worship namely the Sabbath and the month of Ramadan.“